
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13

Sheez.. My com is lagging, so much so that i am bored of blogging. hmph..not really bored but lazy to wait for so long.. i feel like getting a new one but i have to convince my parents..(actually i doubt it) nvm.. i am just trying to pass my free time by going training and not skipping any coz i seriously rather be at school than at home.. -.- and besides it sure does prevent me from becoming a couch potato.. and i so dun want to repeat the whole process of getting into taf club and then getting out at the end of the year and then goin back in.. sheez that sucks..

the only thing that i do or can do now is to wait for the school hols to be over slowly.. i repeat SLOWLY.. coz i need time to slack.. ahh the fun-ness of doin nothing but sitting here, there and everywhere and talking crap if u can get any.. Oh ya arvind: I guess my posts were short becuz i had notin to post. i Just had to let some time pass so that i can come up wid somtin to post.. somtin that is not the same as the prev. post and somthing to keep my self occupied.. so until the next time i see anyone.. i mean, the new ppl from my next year class, i just will be crapping like this and if i feel like it listening to music and thinking. making up my mind =X if i feel like it..

speaking of the BB.. i think we beta change name for next year.. and make it non-(you knoe wad).. LOL



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